Honey, let SWEET & STICKY sweeten your lips, moist your skin, and invite you to the underworld, where dancers move in symbiosis with a live electronic landscape. Submit yourself to a spatial ritual that licks your wounds and vulnerabilities. Enter a site of pleasure, tension, and seduction together with the performers. Like buds on trees in the spring, the dancers will open their fertile wishes to the singing of larks.
SWEET&STICKY is a site-specific work that, throughout 2023, has unfolded in various forms across a range of unique venues: from Norberg Festival and September Sessions at MDT to Värmeverket in Bredäng and the iconic Reaktorhallen in Stockholm.
The performance at Reaktorhallen was an interdisciplinary collaboration between choreographer Lisa Janbell and architect Jelena Mijanovic, along with their respective teams. Together, they explored innovative possibilities for merging choreography and spatial strategies into a singular, immersive experience.
SWEET&STICKY is a site-specific work that, throughout 2023, has unfolded in various forms across a range of unique venues: from Norberg Festival and September Sessions at MDT to Värmeverket in Bredäng and the iconic Reaktorhallen in Stockholm.
The performance at Reaktorhallen was an interdisciplinary collaboration between choreographer Lisa Janbell and architect Jelena Mijanovic, along with their respective teams. Together, they explored innovative possibilities for merging choreography and spatial strategies into a singular, immersive experience.

Choreography, concept & artistic direction: Lisa Janbell
Live electronic music: Rayo and Dos Oké- Camilla Sivam & Lisa Janbell
DJ set: Jessie Granqvist
Dancers, performers: Ama Kiey, Cajsa Godée, Mona Namér, Rebecca Livaniou
Costume: Anita Falk
Light design: Christoffer Lloyd
Artistic advice: Karina Sarkissova
Photo: Rasmus Erichs Lång
Scenography: Julia Benon
Artist: Gandalf Adelbrant
Architect: Jelena Mijanovic
Dancers at Norberg festival, MDT and Värmeverket: Marie Mazer, Cecilia Rehde, Sofia Sangegorio
With support from Kulturrådet, KTH and EMS
For bookings, press and PR inquiries please contact puma.lagos@me.com
Live electronic music: Rayo and Dos Oké- Camilla Sivam & Lisa Janbell
DJ set: Jessie Granqvist
Dancers, performers: Ama Kiey, Cajsa Godée, Mona Namér, Rebecca Livaniou
Costume: Anita Falk
Light design: Christoffer Lloyd
Artistic advice: Karina Sarkissova
Photo: Rasmus Erichs Lång
Scenography: Julia Benon
Artist: Gandalf Adelbrant
Architect: Jelena Mijanovic
Dancers at Norberg festival, MDT and Värmeverket: Marie Mazer, Cecilia Rehde, Sofia Sangegorio
With support from Kulturrådet, KTH and EMS
For bookings, press and PR inquiries please contact puma.lagos@me.com